



From 10/09/2009 to 11/07/2009


12:18 PM Bug #4486: large download support
Source is section 2.6.7 #32 of requirements document, page 73
Michael Lee
12:06 PM Bug #4486 (New): large download support
An easier approach on our server would be to allow full database download for users wanting more than 3000 plots. Th... Michael Lee
12:18 PM Bug #4485: Export VEGX format
Source is section 2.6.9 #36 of requirements document, page 75
Michael Lee
12:06 PM Bug #4485 (New): Export VEGX format
goes along with import of this format Michael Lee
12:18 PM Bug #4484: Import VEGX plot data into VegBank
Source is section 2.6.9 #37 of requirements document, page 75
Michael Lee
12:06 PM Bug #4484 (New): Import VEGX plot data into VegBank
Some work on this front has been completed in New Zealand on a database similar to VegBank. Should check with them b... Michael Lee
12:17 PM Bug #4502 (New): standardized online data entry form for plots
This is vastly complex and difficult to assure that data are complete and things like network interruptions don't cau... Michael Lee
12:17 PM Bug #4501 (New): map fields and upload data into the NVC Plot DB
I have no idea how wide in scope this is. Without knowing something about the incoming data, it's impossible to star... Michael Lee
12:17 PM Bug #4500 (New): Implement a shared login between NVCRS and VegBank
This is more complex than it seems and requires simultaneous coding on VegBank and NVCRS to accomodate. Questions:
Michael Lee
12:16 PM Bug #4499 (New): Refresh VegBank from Public DB
We will need to have VegBank query the NVCRS to get a list of updates. We need to define the scope of what's getting... Michael Lee
12:16 PM Bug #4498 (New): Provide raw data for summary tables in distributed query
VegBank will need to provide raw data for summary table of plots to be aggregated into a summary for plots from multi... Michael Lee
12:16 PM Bug #4497 (New): Allow remote query from NVCRS and return useful data (not just view)
This is not too challenging, provided the format for returning data is specified. It should probably be VEGX format,... Michael Lee
12:16 PM Bug #4496 (New): search for plots based on 'communities similar to' a given type
Not sure how this would look. Provide a community and VegBank thinks about which communities are similar and you get... Michael Lee
12:16 PM Bug #4495 (New): Suggest community determinations for plots
We are working on this in the CVS Database system and once that is completed, it should be easier to accomplish in Ve... Michael Lee
12:16 PM Bug #4494 (New): Tracking and correlating multiple database GUIDs to entities
Some mechanism needed to track GUIDs from other dbs and how they relate to VB entities will eventually be needed. Ne... Michael Lee
12:16 PM Bug #4493 (New): terms of use revision
This is fairly doable. We could easily add a creative commons license to each plot, and allow users to specify such ... Michael Lee
12:15 PM Bug #4492 (New): search for plots based on community and return plots matching plots in same hierarchy branch, either below (for sure) or above (maybe)?
This is doable, and we'd want to add a couple of check boxes to the query so that it is clear what's happening.
Michael Lee
12:15 PM Bug #4491 (New): Query database for plots classified to a particular community on a particular date
New thought: might be more meaningful to display ranges of time for each assignment graphically. Some kind of timeli... Michael Lee
12:15 PM Bug #4490 (New): expand plot searching to include various new criteria
some of the new criteria are fairly simple. Some are more complex. Some are 'future' and may not need immediate wor... Michael Lee
12:15 PM Bug #4489 (New): ensure VegBank documents plot type in the sense of 'classification' plots vs. 'occurrence' plots.
Akin to CVS Plot Levels. May be catured in PlotValidationLevel, but I'm not sure. If we need to add a field, this w... Michael Lee
12:15 PM Bug #4488 (New): Freeform entry of new taxonomic concepts.
Particularly focused on communities, but might as well add plants while we are at it. We have some free form entry o... Michael Lee
12:15 PM Bug #4487 (New): Better support for typal plots
add 'typal' to view of classifications and include in search fields.
Source is section 2.6.1 number 2c of require...
Michael Lee

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