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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
5493 Bug In Progress Normal tomcat crashes frequently Michael Lee 05/24/2012 02:13 PM Actions
5478 Bug New Normal after querying plants, communities, or plots, link back to search Michael Lee 08/29/2011 06:28 PM Actions
5391 Bug New Normal build process into war file does not generate faq.html Michael Lee 05/04/2011 01:38 PM Actions
5211 Bug New Normal Colorado data not entered correctly Michael Lee 10/20/2010 06:17 AM Actions
4796 Bug New Normal receipt of plots with accession codes after loading Michael Lee 02/16/2010 08:50 AM Actions
4502 Bug New Normal standardized online data entry form for plots Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:25 PM Actions
4501 Bug New Immediate map fields and upload data into the NVC Plot DB Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:24 PM Actions
4500 Bug New Immediate Implement a shared login between NVCRS and VegBank Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:24 PM Actions
4499 Bug New Immediate Refresh VegBank from Public DB Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:24 PM Actions
4498 Bug New Normal Provide raw data for summary tables in distributed query Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:24 PM Actions
4497 Bug New Normal Allow remote query from NVCRS and return useful data (not just view) Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:22 PM Actions
4496 Bug New Immediate search for plots based on 'communities similar to' a given type Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:22 PM Actions
4495 Bug New Normal Suggest community determinations for plots Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:23 PM Actions
4494 Bug New Normal Tracking and correlating multiple database GUIDs to entities Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:26 PM Actions
4493 Bug New Normal terms of use revision Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:25 PM Actions
4492 Bug New Immediate search for plots based on community and return plots matching plots in same hierarchy branch, either below (for sure) or above (maybe)? Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:22 PM Actions
4491 Bug New Normal Query database for plots classified to a particular community on a particular date Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:22 PM Actions
4490 Bug New Immediate expand plot searching to include various new criteria Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:21 PM Actions
4489 Bug New Immediate ensure VegBank documents plot type in the sense of 'classification' plots vs. 'occurrence' plots. Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:21 PM Actions
4488 Bug New Immediate Freeform entry of new taxonomic concepts. Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:20 PM Actions
4487 Bug New Immediate Better support for typal plots Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:20 PM Actions
4486 Bug New Normal large download support Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:25 PM Actions
4485 Bug New Immediate Export VEGX format Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:25 PM Actions
4484 Bug New Immediate Import VEGX plot data into VegBank Michael Lee 10/22/2009 12:25 PM Actions
3005 Bug New Normal Online VegBranch demos seem broken Michael Lee 11/16/2007 10:54 AM Actions
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