

manish manish


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 10 10
Reported issues 0 9 9


Project Roles Registered on
Ecoinformatics Reporter 03/27/2013
EML Reporter 03/27/2013
FIRST Reporter 03/27/2013
InfoVeg Reporter 03/27/2013
Jalama Reporter 03/27/2013
Kepler Reporter 03/27/2013
Metacat Reporter 03/27/2013
Monarch Reporter 03/27/2013
Morpho Reporter 03/27/2013
NRS Information System Reporter 03/27/2013
REAP Reporter 03/27/2013
SANParks Informatics Reporter 03/27/2013
SciencePipes Reporter 03/27/2013
SEEK Reporter 03/27/2013
Semtools Reporter 03/27/2013
Utilities Reporter 03/27/2013
VegBank Reporter 03/27/2013
WoW Reporter 03/27/2013



02:33 PM Kepler Bug #5223 (Resolved): Store the last timestamp of data store for a sensor to the local database
Once the data set for a specific time interval is stored in the metacat, we need to store the last timestamp interval... manish manish
02:30 PM Kepler Bug #5222 (Resolved): Store data set file and associated EML file into metacat
Given a data set file path and the EML file, store the data and EML file to metacat. Seems that we use the already ex... manish manish
02:28 PM Kepler Bug #5221 (Resolved): Create EML string
Given a dataset file path string and sensorML string, create the eml string for the same. manish manish
02:27 PM Kepler Bug #5220 (Resolved): Create data chunks having same metadata info for a time interval
Given a sensorId and a series of timestamps (since a previous date) that reflect when the metadata for the sensor cha... manish manish
02:18 PM Kepler Bug #5218 (Resolved): Create sensorML string
Given the metadata string, parse this info to create the sensorML format for the same. manish manish
02:17 PM Kepler Bug #5217 (Resolved): Retrieve the metadata of a sensor at a specific timestamp
Given a sensor id and a timestamp, retrieve the metadata of the sensor at that specific timestamp. This information i... manish manish
02:14 PM Kepler Bug #5216 (Resolved): Retrieve the timestamps for all the metadata changes that occurred since a previous time
This bug implements the feature which takes a sensor id and the last time stamp sine the data was stored in the metac... manish manish
02:10 PM Kepler Bug #5214 (Resolved): Retrieve the last timestamp for which a sensor's data was stored in metacat
This bug implements the feature to retrieve the last timestamp for which a sensor's data was stored in metacat. For e... manish manish
02:06 PM Kepler Bug #5213 (Resolved): Query dataturbine server to retrieve the sensors
This bug implements the feature to query a dataturbine server to retrieve all the associated sensors. The following i... manish manish


02:09 PM Kepler Bug #3566: order collection contents displayed in provenance browser?
We have noticed this and Bertram brought this "feature request" a long time ago. It's nice to have this in this bugzi... manish manish

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