


Saurabh Garg's activity

From 06/10/2004 to 07/09/2004


12:22 PM Morpho Bug #1632 (Resolved): Error when no metacat URL entered
Following error occurs when no metacat url is entered in the preferences.
at edu...
Saurabh Garg
11:42 AM EML Bug #1132: fix access control rule ambiguities

An issue that came up during implementation of access rules in metacat based on
eml 2.0.1.
If a user is given rea...
Saurabh Garg


11:56 AM EML Bug #1132: fix access control rule ambiguities

As both eml 2.0.1 and 2.1.0, only distribution ids will be referenced from
access, I was wondering if it is possibl...
Saurabh Garg
10:49 AM EML Bug #1132: fix access control rule ambiguities

Correction in the last comment. Any permissions specified
in //eml/citation/access, //eml/software/access and //em...
Saurabh Garg


10:14 AM EML Bug #1195: tracking bug for 2.0.1 release

3) is done. I will tag the release in the cvs, once (4) is decided.
Saurabh Garg
10:08 AM EML Bug #1000: units missing from Unit Dictionary

Regarding this bug in the last meeting, it was decided we may try to implement
a registry where people can submit u...
Saurabh Garg


09:50 AM EML Bug #960: parser not correctly parsing <describes> tag in additionalMetadata

Closing as not able to locate the problem.
Saurabh Garg


10:53 AM EML Bug #960: parser not correctly parsing <describes> tag in additionalMetadata

I checked both files mentioned in the bug.
and test/eml-datasetWithCitation.xml
I was ab...
Saurabh Garg
10:36 AM EML Bug #1031: enumeratedDomain doesn't define value order for ordinals

Added an optional attribute to "codeDefinition" named "order" that is of type
long integer
Saurabh Garg
10:21 AM EML Bug #1136: kelvin conversion incorrect in unit dictionary

Saurabh Garg
10:14 AM EML Bug #1233: dateTime formatString Documentation contains incorrect example

Fixed in eml-attribute.xsd
Saurabh Garg
10:11 AM EML Bug #1529: no tag to specify how to handle mutltiple, repeated delimiters

Added an optional 'consecutiveDelimitersAreSingle' field in eml-
physical/dataFormat/textFormat/simpleDelimited. The...
Saurabh Garg

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