Bug #1041
closedrevise WSDL for ecogrid query level I and II interfaces
At the Seattle EcoGrid meeting we sketched out the initial EcoGrid interfaces.
Need to formalize this as a WSDL document and provide documentation.
Target deadline: April 18
Related issues
Updated by Matt Jones almost 22 years ago
From discussion at SDSC, need to modify these interfaces to include the new
XQuery parameter defined as a type.
Who: DaveV
Target: May 26
Updated by Matt Jones over 21 years ago
During Seattle, we redefined the WSDL interfaces for the query operations.
They now should contain:
Level I
ResultSetType query(QueryType, ProxyCertificate)
MimeContent get(EcoGridIdentifier, ProxyCertificate)
Level II (a separate WSDL file)
ResultSetType retrieve(ResultIdentifier, start, numberOfRecords,
ResultIdentifer search(QueryType, ProxyCertificate)
QueryType decodeResultIdentifier(ResultIdentifier, ProxyCertificate)
StatusType getResultStatus(ResultIdentifier, ProxyCertificate)
For all of these methods, if "ProxyCertificate" is null, then the method should
be executed anonomously with only the rights of an anonymous user.
Jing and Bing agreed to tackle these revisions.
Updated by Matt Jones about 19 years ago
Initial implementation based on globus finished. Closing these bugs as we move
to a new implementation based on axis.