Bug #1067
closedfollow up with GeoVista Studio
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Need to explore the use of GeoVista Studio for use in SEEK. Create a GARP
visualization and see how easy it is to use, and how it might be modified to
suit our purposes. Issues to explore:
How hard is it to create a visualization from scratch?
Is the execution model well-established, and can it be changed as it can in Ptolemy?
Can an executing application like the ptolemy engine link its output to GV
Studio for visualization and further analysis?
How hard would it be to serialize the GV Studio workflow into an open workflow
language like MoML or DPML?
How does GV Studio link concepts (semantic type) to data?
Please summarize the findings here.
Updated by Deana Pennington about 21 years ago
Ricardo and Deana spent 2 days at Penn State.