Bug #1076
closedAdapt John's Add Plant forms to fit new model and polish them
John's "Add Plant" forms on the web need to be updated to fit our new model and
fix a few things that don't quite work. Gabe has done a great job on this (on
beta), but a few things need to be worked out.
1) Status.stopDate should default to blank, as this would terminate the user's
view of the plant on the same date they started it. A null value should be OK
in loading. I had trouble trying to load a plant without a stopdate, but it
could have been something else that triggered the error
2) For new plant names, one should have the option of not using a reference for
the new name. A reference is required for the concept, though. A <option
value="none">--no reference--</option> at the top of the picklist would do the
trick. This is why it is nice for the .jsp only to grab the <options> that talk
about the extant references so that we can futz around with these picklists by
adding values.
3) The "view reference" link does not currently work, but the link is what we
need and it's in the right place. Instead of saying "reference '1'" it would be
nice to say "referece: " & reference.shortName. But if that's a major problem,
reference '1' is ok, I guess.
that's it for now.