Bug #1079
closedRevise DB model to better deal with idiosyncratic taxa
We need to allow users to enter "weird" taxa without cluttering up the plant
taxonomy module. We can do that by making the taxonObs/taxonInterp look more
like commClass & commInterp. Here is the email from Bob describing this. We
need first to agree on what the model needs to look like exactly, then implement
it. High priority after release 1.0.
From peet@unc.edu Thu May 29 20:06:46 2003
Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 03:26:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Robert K. Peet <peet@unc.edu>
To: ...
Subject: irregular taxa.
Proposed change in VegBank with respect to handling of irregular taxa.
I have become very worried about cluttering up the plants portion of the
database with irregular taxa that are idiosyncratic to particular
investigators. Here is what I think we should do.
When an investigator has an irregular taxon such as " Carex-fuzzy" ,
"Potentilla canadensis + P. simplex", or Astilbe + Aruncus these should be
handled in such a way that they do not end up in the plantName and
plantConcept table. Each plant should be linked to the lowest level
concept in the plantConcept list that is certain. In addition, the
idiosyncratic names should be stored in the taxonObservation and a
capability of linking the taxon to multiple concepts with a lower
certainty should be provided. For example "Potentilla canadensis + P.
simplex" would have a high certainty link to Potentilla, and some lower
quality links to each of P. simplex and P. canadensis. To realize this we
need the following changes.
Change field PlantName_ID to PlantName and change the contents from a FK
to text. This had all along been our intent and I don't know when we
slipped and made this a foreign key. This has some substantive
ramifications for loading data that need to be worked out.
Split TaxonInterpretation into two tables: TaxonClass being a child of
TaxonObservations and TaxonInterpretation being a child of TaxonClass.
Their contents would be as follows.
classFit [new field, closed list, similar to commInterpretation]
classConfidence [new field, closed list, as in commInterp...]
On top of this we need a business rule that there must be one
TaxonInterpretation that has an absolutely correct classFit. To do this
means adding some higher level taxa to the plantConcepts and plantNames.
All concepts must ultimately filter up to all plants [plus probably a
second class for lichens], below which we can have [Charales,
Marchantiomorpha (liverworts), Anthocerotophyta (hornworts), Lycopsida,
Equisetopsida (horsetails), Filicopsida (ferns), and Spermatopsida. Below
Spermatopsida we would have Cycads, Conifers, Ginkgos, Gnetales, and
Angiosperms. Below Angiosperms we might have Nymphaeles, Austrobaileyales,
Eudicots, Monocotyledons, Chloranthaceae, and Magnoliids.
We could stage the implementation as follows
1. add two new fields to TaxonInterpretation
2. add top to the phylogenetic tree
3. change TaxonObservation:plantName from FK to text
4. split table and support change in data input and table preparation
I am very keen to do steps 1, 2 & 3 as quickly as we can (without holding
up release 1). Step 4 can wait until the next release.
Related issues
Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago
commenting on Bob's comments above:
step 1: the 2 fields are fit and confidence? This needs to wait a bit, as
it is a model change.
step 2 is a loading issue and not a database schema issue, so it could be
addressed quite quickly.
step 3 is actually already in place, meaning that the string is stored in
taxonObs as an implementation field that John set up. But it will need to
change its name, probably. (now called cheatplantname) Then dropping
plantname_id from the table shouldn't be too big of deal.
step 4 is obviously a larger model change and must wait.
Bob added: For info on how to nest families into my angiosperm types, one of us
will need to check the tree-of-life website.
Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago
I like this approach, but I'm not sure that it will adequately solve the problem
of P. simplex + P. canadensis. There are (at least) 2 different ways one might
want to link to both of these 2 species. Case 1) I think that the species I
observe on this plot is all the same species, but I can't determine whether it
is P. simplex or P. canadensis. It is one or the other. Case 2) I cannot tell
the difference between P. simplex and P. canadensis on my plot, so this concept
is an aggregate of the two species, sort of a taxon at a level :section or subgenus.
I don't know if the distinction between the two is really that important to
capture. Bob?
One might solve this with a field in the taxonClass table called taxonClassType
which would describe how the concept observed on the plot relates to the set of
plantConcepts referenced in taxonInterpretation. Possible values would include:
exact [perfect match to one plantConcept],
aggregate [union of multiple plantConcepts referenced],
one-of [it's one (and only one) of multiple plantConcepts],
subset [the ONE plantConcept referenced is larger than what we'd like, but it's
the best we can do. in the above example, this would be for the record that
links to Potentilla]
This new field (taxonClassType) is similar to classFit, but classFit deals more
with the quality of the fit as perceived by the interpreter. taxonClassType is
more of a switch to let us know how to handle the possible multiple concepts
listed in taxonInterpretation. Perhaps we don't need both of these fields,
though, as commInterpretation is a more challenging task: how well does this
community fit the "ideal" community, whereas plant taxonomy is (sort of) more
Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago
"stage 2" from a comment of Bob's above is completed, that is the top of the
phylogenetic tree has been loaded into VegBank. Though there are some
differences in the USDA stance and his (ie liverworts=Hepatophyta, not
Marchantiomorpha). Someone who knows something about the plant classification
hierarchy (ie not me) should look into the top of the hierarchy as loaded on
VegBank and make sure that it's ok. Kingdom through Class for Plantae are
pasted at the bottom of this email.
excerpts from an email from mtl, July 3, 2003:
I have captured and loaded into vegbank the entire USDA
hierarchy as of today's date. They have all of Plantae and the lichens of
Fungi available, and this is what I have loaded. This should help us when
dealing with idiosyncratic taxa.
Feel free to check it out with the plant query:
for example:
and so on.
-------USDA plantae Kingdom through Class---------------
Kingdom Plantae -- Plants
Division Anthocerotophyta -- Hornworts
Subdivision Anthocerotae
Class Anthocerotopsida
Division Bryophyta -- Mosses
Subdivision Musci
Class Andreaeopsida -- Granite mosses
Class Bryopsida -- True mosses
Class Sphagnopsida -- Peat mosses
Division Hepatophyta -- Liverworts
Subdivision Hepaticae
Class Hepatopsida
Subkingdom Tracheobionta -- Vascular plants
Division Equisetophyta -- Horsetails
Class Equisetopsida
Division Lycopodiophyta -- Lycopods
Class Lycopodiopsida
Division Psilophyta -- Whisk-ferns
Class Psilopsida
Division Pteridophyta -- Ferns
Class Filicopsida
Superdivision Spermatophyta -- Seed plants
Division Coniferophyta -- Conifers
Class Pinopsida
Division Cycadophyta -- Cycads
Class Cycadopsida
Division Ginkgophyta -- Ginkgo
Class Ginkgoopsida
Division Gnetophyta -- Mormon tea and other gnetophytes
Class Gnetopsida
Division Magnoliophyta -- Flowering plants
Class Liliopsida -- Monocotyledons
Class Magnoliopsida -- Dicotyledons
Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago
I will outline 3 different options we have for implementing an ability to
handle idiosyncratic taxa, from least database schema changing to most. Let
me first say what the goals of the change are:
goal 1) allow taxonObservations to be categorized to different degrees of fit
and confidence
goal 2) allow author to describe a plant with any name, but do so without
adding "weird" names to plant taxa module
goal 3) make the treating of plant taxa interpretations more parallel to
community interpretations
--option A) the "mid-80's Honda": change nothing in the database model--------
Use extant field "cheatplantname" that is currently an implementation field
to store author's plantName. PlantName_ID is not currently required in the
implementation model, so this could be left blank where the name is not
standard. This accomplishes goal (2). Goal (1) can be accomplished by adding
new value options for the closed list on
taxonInterpretation.interpretationType. Current options are: author, computer
generated, simplified for comparative analysis, correction,finer resolution.
To this we could add (I'm not sure of the exact values we should use for this,
so I use very wordy examples to make the point clear):
--author, less precise, but very certain
--author, more precise, but less certain
The former would be, in the case of P. simplex + P. canadensis, the genus
Potentilla. The latter would be used for 2 records, one linking to P. simplex
and the other to P. canadensis. So for the single taxonObs, we would have 3
taxonInterpretation records.
For non-weird taxa, we would still use "author" which would indicate that we
should assume that the plant is of good precision and good certainty.
This would accomplish goal (1) in that weird taxa can be recorded and linked
to taxonObservations in such a way that we can understand what taxa it might
be and what taxa it certainty is.
---------END OPTION A-----------------------------------
----OPTION B: the "family car": add 2 fields to TaxonInterpretation--------
This option is the same as option A except that instead of adding values to
the closed list for taxonInterpretation.interpretationType, we would add the 2
fields to this table: classFit and classConfidence. This accomplishes goal(1)
better than option A), but at the expense of a model change. It also moves a
step closer to goal (3) in that it mirrors commInterpretation more.
The values for classConfidence would be identical to
commInterpretation.classConfidence (High, Medium, Low), but we still have the
problem that these are not defined particularly well. High would be
for "Potentilla" in the above example and Medium(?) for "P. simplex" and "P.
canadensis". "Low" would be used for flat out guesses?
classFit is, in my opinion, somewhat different from commInterpretation. The
problem lies in the idea that plots can represent communities to a greater and
lesser value; it's a gradient. There are some plots that really represent
community X extremely well and there are others that are still community X,
but to a lesser degree. The fit scale on commInterpretation (Absolutely
wrong, Understandable but wrong, Reasonable or acceptable answer, Good answer,
Absolutely right) works well with communities.
I don't believe that it works as well with plant taxa. Borders may be grey
for communities, but they attempt to be more black and white for plants. A
plant is either "Red Maple" or it is not (ignoring for the moment hybrids).
It can work in that "Pine tree" is absolutely wrong for red maple, "Viburnam
acerifolium" is understandable but wrong, "Dicot" is acceptable, "Maple" is a
good answer, and "Acer rubrum var. rubrum" is absolutely right. But this is
dealing less with fit and more with resolution of the taxon in question, and
the boolean statement of correct or not correct. Resolution can be looked up
in plantStatus.plantLevel if one wants to, and that leaves the fit field to
the boolean statement of correct or not. Can someone come up with some values
for classFit that make sense for plant taxa?
---------END OPTION B---------------------------------
-----OPTION C: "the Cadillac": make all the changes----------
split taxonInterpretation into 2 tables: taxonInterpretation and taxonClass,
which make goal (3) very much realized. Still have the problem with classFit
described in option B. Very expensive in terms of database changes, mostly in
reworking code that deals with taxonInterpretation table now. Adds the
elegent option of clearly lumping taxa or making it a choice of taxa with the
field "taxonClassType" in taxonClass. Not possible to add this field without
splitting the tables, really, except with some strong business rules. See
the .csv attachment that shows the fields to add/change for
---------END OPTION C----------------------------------
Updated by Robert Peet over 21 years ago
I regret to report that as best I can tell Michael's options A and B in Note
#4 fail because they allow multiple records for the observation of a unique
taxon in a plot observation. We thus lose track of just how many taxa really
occur in the plot observation. We could hack this a bit by adding a new field
to indicate the first observation of the real taxon, but this is so highly
inelegant that I am sure it would cost us a lot in the long run. I vote for
fixing this ONCE and only once with the correct solution C. We can discuss
whether this should be immediately or in the next release, but any other
solution that I can think of is going to simply waste time and put opff the
Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago
update change XML document to reflect what we will change. Then create "ALTER
TABLE" Sql to be run against vegbank. DO NOT RELOAD / REBUILD ENTIRE DB.
Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago
We suggested making a recursive key in TaxonInt to allow a link to
"otherTaxonInt_ID" which could extend an interpretation and allow one to
interpret as P. simplex then P. canadensis as part of the same
TaxonInterpretation. however, we could like the user to also interpret as
"Potentilla" which would have to be a second taxonInt record. Inelegant. I
dislike recursive keys, too.
Better would be a new table called taxonGroup which would link back to TaxonInt
and to PlantConcept, allowing any number of taxa to be mentioned as part of a
TaxonInt. There would still be a link to PlantConcept from TaxonInt so that the
"best single taxon" could be linked as part of the same irregular
taxonInterpretation. In the above example, "Potentilla" would be linked to
directly from TaxonINt, and P. can. and P. simpl. would link via TaxonGroup.
See http://tekka.nceas.ucsb.edu/~lee/newIrregTaxa.jpg for a brief exaplanation
and ERD of this.
Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago
model has been updated. SQL file needs to be run against vegbank to update the
structure. As part of QA of XML import, loading taxa that are irregular should
be checked. Also, querying of plots should show options for showing irregular
taxa in "summary" (only taxonInt.plantConcept_ID) or "details" (all
taxonAlt.plantConcept_ID) views.
Passing this bug to Mark, who will run the SQL file in cvs against the database
to updated model. Then this bug can be closed.
sql file is in vegbank/veg_plot/sql/vegbank-changes-1.0.1.sql (revision 1.2
committed 10/13)
Updated by P. Anderson over 21 years ago
The SQL update file has been run on all 3 machines, gyro, tekka and vegbank.
Note that the file no longer lives at vegbank/veg_plot/sql/ and is currently
enjoying its new home at vegbank/src/sql/vegbank-changes-1.0.1.sql.
Updated by Michael Lee about 20 years ago
changed from components that are to be deleted to "misc" so that bugs don't get
deleted with component. Sorry for all the email.