Bug #1117
closedRegister Issues
When I push "do not accept" and then submit information, it registers me as a
valid user! Serious problem there!
Also, less seriously, when a user enters an email that has already been
entered, you get the following message:
Please review the user-related attributes that you submitted
and resubmit. If you get this error again, please contact the
VegBank Administrator . (with a link to email the dba)
the error message should say:
Sorry, VegBank could not register you as a user. If you have already
registered in VegBank with your email address, use the <a
href="/vegbank/forms/fetch-password.html">Forgotten password</a> page to have
it emailed to you.
Please review the user-related attributes that you submitted
and resubmit. If you get this error message again, please contact the
VegBank Administrator and we will do our best to help you personally.
Updated by Gabriel Farrell over 21 years ago
Issues addressed Mike Lee already had a look at this.