Bug #1133
closedplant names fields need more character space
I received errors when importing my species list to the table
z_USER_B_SpecList, telling me that the number of characters in my species names
fields was longer that the number allotted in VegBranch. The following error
message is an example:
Line 42: Field: plantSyn1 is a text field of length 50, but your value is
longer: 57, "Antennaria luzuloides Torr. & Gray var. argentea (Benth.)"
This could also happen in the plantName and other fields, since an entire plant
name might include an author, subspecies, and variety, along with a long genus
and species name containing as many as 100 characters (one of mine was 92), the
number of characters per field should be increased to perhaps > 120 (?) just to
be safe.
Updated by Michael Lee about 21 years ago
increased to the maximum amount of space possible, 255 characters. Next release
will contain this update. Still in process of updating VegBranch for new model