Bug #1156
closedeml2 updates to TextImportWizard
The TextImportWizard display was desined for use with emlbeta6. As such,
selection of MeasurementTypes is not supported and limitation of units to those
in the unit dictionary is not done.
Currently there is support for eml2.0.0 output based on input to the current
GUI. For example, all text based attributes are given a meaaurementType of
nominal; numeric attributes are set to interval. The user needs to be able to
override these settings. Probably need to use some of the the display widgets in
the new DataPackage wizard.
Note that the same display panel for editing attributes that is used in the
TextImportWizard is used when a new column is inserted in a datatable (data
editor). Any changes made to the TextImportWIzard probably need to made there also.