Bug #1166
opencreate a schema for registry metadata
Need a schema that defines the metadata associated with an EcoGrid Registry.
Minimally this is the GSH of the registry, but it also will likely include other
information, such as contact info for the maintainers, and mechanisms to get
lists of the services registered there (probably already part of the ogsa
registry interface). Matt agreed to start this, and Raja will review it.
Related issues
Updated by Matt Jones over 21 years ago
This schema will be used in the <record> elements that are returned from queries
to specify the GSH and other service metadata. A possible structure that fits
into the resultset.xsd schema might look like this:
<record system="ecogrid://VOR.4" identifier="service.22">
<analysisType system-"ontoService">GARP</analysisType>
Note that it was Bing and not Raja that agreed to review this.