Bug #1279
closedErrors while exiting from the Editor
1) Reported by Andrea: In Morpho Editor, if user makes changes and then closes
the editor, a modal error window opens with the label: ‘Validation Problem!’
and message: ‘Exception Warning: schema references.4: Failed to read schema
document ‘./xsd/eml.xsd’…..’
2) Reported by Andrea: After exiting the Morpho editor, I have seen the
message: “This entity has NO distribution information”, displayed in a modal
dialog that requires a mouse click. Even if I don’t want to add distribution
info, I am still forced to interact with this dialog. This happens
intermittently. Under what circumstances is ‘distribution information’ a
required field?
3) In Morpho Editor, if user makes changes and then closes the editor, a modal
error window opens with the label: ‘Validation Problem!’ and
message: ‘Exception cvc-complex-type 3.2: Attribute’s editor is not allowed to
appear in element ‘para’. Do you want to continue exiting the Editor?’ Another
variant: ‘Exception:cvc-enumeration-valid: Value “ is not facet-valid with
respect to enumeration ‘[place,stratum,temporal,theme,taxonomic]’ Do you wish
to continue exiting the Editor?
My comments: I haven't seen 1) and 2) before. But I have run into 3) sometimes
Updated by Dan Higgins about 21 years ago
Item 3) has been fixed (extra 'editor' attribute now removed from all nodes)
Updated by Dan Higgins about 21 years ago
Item 2 was a bug that has been eliminated
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago
Item 1 was problem with spaces in path to xsd files - fixed.
It is believed that these problems have been fixed (except for old, invalid
packages that may be on some old test systems).