Bug #1397
openImplement highest priority interfaces (first 7 of following list of 9)
1. getConcept - takes a GUID and returns a concept
2. findConcept - takes a partially filled out Taxonomic Exchange Schema (TES)
and returns a list of concepts weighted according to the chosen similarity
3. compareConcept - takes 2 GUIDs and returns a measure of similarity according
to the chosen similarity algorithm.
4. enterProviderData - allows input of concepts and relationships from a
particular provider into the Taxon Cache.
5. editRelationship - add, delete or edit a relationship between concepts for a
particular provider.
6. findRelatedConcept - find parents or children at a certain distance from a
given concept (grandparents, grandchildren, etc) according to a particular provider.
7. measureRelationship - takes 2 GUIDs and returns a measure of the relationship
according to the chosen relate algorithm.
8. compareConceptRelationships - takes a 2 concepts and 2 providers and compares
their positions within their respective trees according to the chosen relate
9. compareConceptLists - more discussion is needed on the requirements for this
method. Previously implemented methods should form the basis for the
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