Bug #1445
closedmorpho editor causes validation problem
whenever you open a package with the editor (via the Documentation/Add,Edit
Documentation menu item), whether you change the file or not, when you click ok,
you get this error:
Validation problem: Exception:cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content starting
with element 'fieldWidth'. The content must match
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago
I have been unable to reproduce this error (and especially this error message).
I suspect this is a problem with the package data (attempt to handle
textFixed/fieldWidth tag in textFormat
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago
This problem is created by repeated, sequential <fieldWidth> elements. Actually,
it is the parent of <fieldWidth> that needs to be repeated. The problem is
caused by the document created by the Wizard, not the editor. (The first
validation is done when the editor saves; this is why it appears to be an editor
Updated by Perumal Sambasivam almost 21 years ago
fixed the code so that the "textFixed" element and the "textDelimited" element
are repeated instead of the "fieldWidth" element, when there is more than one