



Bug #1454


custom units not inserted into data package

Added by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago. Updated almost 21 years ago.

morpho - general
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Used the custom unit dialog and examined the resulting data package xml. Custom
unit (incorrectly) inserted as a standard unit and custom info not inserted in
the data package xml.

Actions #1

Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago

We seem to have regressed on this bug back to the original description! (A few
days ago, AdditionalMetadata was being generated correctly but customUnit name
was wrong - now there is no additionalMetadata and custom unit is labeled as

Actions #2

Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago

If one immediately (after opening Morpho) edits column metadata in an existing
table and changes to a custom unit, everything seems to work OK. HOwever, if one
creates a new datatable, then the customUnit gets entered as a standardUnit, and
then editing a column also no longer seems to work correctly!

Actions #3

Updated by Perumal Sambasivam almost 21 years ago

this bug seems to be fixed. The problem was due to the wizard creating a
temporary DOM and treating that as the current data package. Hence all changes
to that DOM were not reflected in the original package. Modified the code so
that the additional metadata is now added to the original DOM. It works fine
now. I will close the bug after complete testing.

Actions #4

Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago

The basic bug does seem to be fixed (i.e. custom unit info is added to the
datapackage, creating a valid eml doc)

There is one issue in window order. When one brings up the custom unit dialog,
the TextImportWizard window is moved behind the DataPackage window, so that when
the custom unit dialog is closed, the DataPackage hides the TextImport WIndow,
which may be a problem when working in the Wizard.

Actions #5

Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago

fixed the window ordering problem by not setting parent to dialog to wrong window.

other custom unit stuff appears to be working.

Actions #6

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 1454


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