Bug #1562
closed"Local" icon missing in data package display
When opening a data package that was created with eml beta6, and using Java
1.4, the "local" icon on the data package display is missing. This
specifically ocurred with the fictitious data package by "jscientist".
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 21 years ago
This 'bug' is really a deliberate 'feature' (although one that is apparently not
understood ;-). When a beta6 eml doc is opened and automatically transformed
into an eml2 document, that new transformed document has never been saved. It
was thus thought that it was appropriatw to display this as a 'new' document
which does not exist either locally or on the network. Thus, no icon is
displayed, which is exactly the same treatment as a newly created document. This
was meant to indicate the the transformed eml2 document needs to be saved to
make its transformation permanent.