Bug #160
closedneed resource restriction capability
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
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Earlier versions of the SRB allowed any user to access and write to any
SRB-registered storage resource. We need to be able to specify restrictions on
the use of resources such that a particular site manager can indicate which
users can write to the resource. This might be accomplished through a
user/group ACl mechanism, or through srb domain capabilities, or otherwise.
Updated by Matt Jones over 24 years ago
Check with Raja (Arcto Rajasekar). He has told us in the past that this feature
was at least partially completed.
Updated by Matt Jones almost 24 years ago
Lowered priority because SRB no longer in immediate plans for deployment.
Updated by Matt Jones over 23 years ago
Deferred indefinitely because SRB deployment is in question. Will reopen later
if we decide to deploy the SRB.
Updated by Matt Jones almost 23 years ago
Consolidating products to those we actually are maintaining.