



Bug #1773


Importing code table results in display of ID numbers, not code values

Added by Andrea Andrea over 20 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

morpho - general
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


When coded values are defined by importing a seperate table of code values and
definitions (in the DPW), the attribute info (next to "measurement domain")
displays ID numbers referencing the information in that table of codes, but
does not display the code definitions themselves. Therefore the person looking
at the attribute info for a column sees a long string of numbers (which have no
meaning to the user) instead of the information they need, namely, what do the
codes mean?

This bug was discovered by Veronique.

Actions #1

Updated by Andrea Andrea about 20 years ago

Being set to P3 due to level of difficulty involved.

Actions #2

Updated by Saurabh Garg almost 20 years ago

To remove the reference numbers in this case, Morpho will have to read the data
I have figured out a way to do this in Java - when the user selects code and
definition, the code and definitions can be added to the column metadata
instead of adding references to the selected entity. The problem here is that
we are carrying redundant information. So if the user modifies the data file
(e.g. add more codes) - the column metadata and data file no longer have the
same data in it.

Another way might be to modify these in XSL - so that realtime parsing of data
is done to show code and definitions. But this will be complex because data
will have to be read from XSL which is dependent on factors like precense of
data, format of data etc.

The first option can be coded easily if the problem described above is not
considered a significant one.

Actions #3

Updated by ben leinfelder about 12 years ago

Morpho renders this reference correctly. Perhaps this was never closed when it was completed.

Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 1773


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