Bug #1791
openneed ability to add data types other than dataTable (spatial)
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Currently, only dataTable data types can be properly added to a data package,
using the Data Table Wizard (other data types can be added, but as a hack).
There is a need for support for adding data types other than dataTable, such as
gifs, jpegs, pdfs, etc. Maybe an attach feature would be useful, or other
wizards for these other types of files where you can add the data file, and the
metadata specifically relevant to that data type.
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago
otherEntity import can be used for most data files.
Things like stored procedures or spatial data files would be the next kind of data to import via a wizard.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 14 years ago
TFRI has expressed interest in developing spatialRaster and spatialVector wizard screens.