Bug #1860
closedXML Loader: need to read incoming accessionCodes from user and check to see if already loaded to VegBank
VegBranch accession codes for a user are matched to existing VegBank
accessionCodes through userDatasetItem table- when an xml file is split into
multiple files for the sake of file size. Our loader needs to look into this
table for a user to see if the accessionCode a user is giving us has already
been loaded. If so, match to the element with matching AccCode instead of adding
new element. This is already properly done within one XML file's load.
Related issues
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
The XML Loader needs to populate the userDatasetItem table's externalaccessioncode field. This should store the incoming accessionCode that came from VegBranch. This is not currently done.
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
will not be necessary if we can get bug 2394 working!
Updated by Chad Berkley over 18 years ago
changing milestone and reassigning to mlee
Updated by Michael Lee over 18 years ago
no longer needed as bug 2442 is now resolved, making this unneeded.