



Bug #2425


Actor documentation retains information for deleted ports

Added by Josh Madin almost 19 years ago. Updated almost 19 years ago.

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if you create a new (R) actor port and then delete it, the documentation form still retains a place for the deleted port. Because I manipulate old R actors to create new ones, I now have quite a long list of "deleted" ports on the actor documentation page.

Actions #1

Updated by Nandita Mangal almost 19 years ago

(In reply to comment #0)

if you create a new (R) actor port and then delete it, the documentation form
still retains a place for the deleted port. Because I manipulate old R actors
to create new ones, I now have quite a long list of "deleted" ports on the
actor documentation page.

I assume that you are talking about adding new port (from the code) and not on the canvas? (correct me if i am wrong)...
If that is the case, do you regenerate the actor documentation via ant generateDoc and does that remove the "deleted"ports.

Actions #2

Updated by Dan Higgins almost 19 years ago

No, Josh was adding port from the canvas (specialized version of the R actor). He added custom documentation, then deleted some of the ports (again from the canvas) and then discovered that the custom docs still appeared. Note that this documentation is stored inside the MOML rather than in java code.

Actions #3

Updated by Nandita Mangal almost 19 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. The bug appeared in both Ptolemy and Kepler systems and Edward has checked in the fixes.

Edward wrote:

I have checked in the fix for this bug into the PtII CVS.

I also fixed a similar bug with parameters (if you added
a parameter, documented it, and later deleted it, the parameter
continued to be represented in the DocAttribute).

I also fixed another bug where if you did the above while
a model was executing, you would get an exception. Now,
customization of documentation always occurs within a change request.

Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 2425


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