



Bug #2661


comments in XLS resolve: Project 63 (Francis Marion NF): 54 plots

Added by Michael Lee about 18 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

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this data needs to be processed and added to the (v2006) central archive

Related issues

Blocked by InfoVeg - Bug #2867: Reverse Migrate New archive data into old archiveResolvedMichael Lee06/07/2007

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

Forbes and Michael looked through this data on June 7, 2007 and determined that there were still errors awaiting fixing.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

Data have been imported into entry db version 2.1.0

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

19 errors initially.

ignoring 9 errors of no species on stem entry form - plots had no trees
ignoring 3 errors of no X-axis supplied
ignoring 5 plots have partially stratum definitions (lacking height or cover)
8-931 had no stratum definitions at all, so I filled in tree, herb, shrub, but without heights or cover
ignored 063-07-0927 which lacks location accuracy.

There are still some cryptic comments about 63 in DataSheetERrors_63_64_75_76.xls that I'm not sure what to do about. I've annoted this in my own column (J)

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

above excel file can be found here:

Actions #5

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

fixed new species that were in the database.

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

063-04-0925 was originally classified as CEGL004646: Nyssa aquatica - Nyssa biflora Saturated Forest, but this value of CEGL4646 isn't in the database. NatureServe Explorer has "Nyssa aquatica - Nyssa biflora Forest" which is CEGL007429 and states "It occurs in Zone II (Wharton et al. 1982), and therefore probability of annual flooding is 100% and duration of flooding is approximately 100% of the growing season with soils nearly permanently saturated."

So this seems to be the same creature. I updated the annotation to CEGL007429. Please let me know if this seems incorrect.

Actions #7

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

63-4-933 has fit of "1" when assigning to CEGL3525. Is this excellent or poor fit? I think by context it must be poor fit, as there is another classification assignment (to CEGL 7813) that is also a poor fit, both with medium confidence. I have added a note but not recorded this guess.

Actions #8

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

Plot 63-2-932 has only 5 records populated with strata (out of 48 species). We might consider removing this scant and incomplete set of strata to make the plot record a bit more cohesive?

Actions #9

Updated by Robert Peet over 17 years ago

Regards comment #6 on CEGL004646:

In EcoArt this is listed as historic with the following comment. "REE 7-02: Made historic after input from both Fleming and Schafale about this type. Fleming's comments were as follows, "I have no idea why I am a concept author of this. What little info there is seems to indicate that this would be a nonriverine, Dismal Swamp type. We do have Nyssa aquatica in the Virginia portion of GDSNWR, but I would call all of the big stands seasonally flooded, not saturated. Elsewhere, it is just a scattered associate in the main nonriverine forests (CEGL004429 and CEGL007445). Since I don't have any data or evidence that something like this is in VA, I guess I would recommend removing the VA? Attribution" Schafale's comments were: "I don't know why I am concept author on this either. I guess it probably is supposed to be the Nyssa aquatica-containing swamp at Great Dismal Swamp. From what I've seen on the NC side, I would interpret it as nonriverine, which the saturated qualifier implies, with only shallow standing water and that from seepage rather than river flooding. I would prefer to put it in with 4429 and not have a new association for it though. I can't think of any other place where we get Nyssa aquatica in a nonriverine swamp at all." KP 4-02: VA changed to VA?."

Reading this, the initial choice seems poor in that no NYAQ occurs at the site. The key thing is that it is a tidal gum swamp, which at this time suggests to me that we replace 4646 with 4484. Perhaps Forbes can do this on the various posted documents.

Actions #10

Updated by Robert Peet over 17 years ago

Regards comment #7.
63-4-933 has fit of "1" when assigning to CEGL3525.

This is correct; the fit is 1.

Recall 1 is not just poor, but absolutely wrong.
2 is incorrect but understandable.

Actions #11

Updated by Michael Lee over 17 years ago

I fixed comment #10 (fit of "wrong" for a community).

I fixed comment #9, too, and pointed the plot at CEGL 4484.

Actions #12

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

milestone revamping requires moving bugs to milestones that are in the future

Actions #13

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

the data prep bugs are waiting on taxonomic IDs before we can migrate, so I am marking these as things I'm not currently working on.

Actions #14

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 2661


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