Bug #2683
openUser submissions of new occurrence records
We should probably add a tool so that additions can be submitted by users. At a minimum we should provide a template that they can fill out and submit to us.
Updated by Robert Peet almost 18 years ago
To: JRobertSiler@aol.com, michael.schafale@ncmail.net
Cc: sharpetl@etinternet.net, llgaddy@bellsouth.net, 'Bruce Sorrie' <bruce.sorrie@ncmail.net>, Bob Peet <uniola@email.unc.edu>
Subject: RE: Nice records
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Hi Robert! -- nice to hear from you!  And that you are enjoying semi-retirement!Â
I am surprised by the skunk cabbage; is it the same location as on our website (see below). Â And the others are nice records
We really need a means for people to report new county records, ideally with specimen or photographic documentation. Â
Check out our new distribution data part of our website:Â http://www.herbarium.unc.edu/seflora/firstviewer.htm
Maybe we could add some sort of module allowing reporting of records.
Alan Weakley