Bug #273
closedsite deployment for metacat
Need to deploy metacat at selected LTER, OBFS, and NRS sites to begin to build
our network. OBFS and NRS may have a single point of presence. Initial
deployment (after NCEAS and LTERnet) should be to a couple of enthusistic sites,
and we should target those sites that specifically agreed to participate in testing.
Jones is working with Nottrott, Michener, and Schildhauer to deploy Metacat in
the NRS and OBFS system, and has a working prototype. See him for details.
Updated by Matt Jones about 23 years ago
Moved issues that we do not intend to address during the current release to the
'Postpone' milestone.
Updated by Matt Jones over 20 years ago
Duane -- this is overlapping with the previous bug -- can you close with a
resolution or update the status on this, or indicate where it is being tracked?
Updated by Duane Costa over 20 years ago
Metacat has been deployed at the LTER Network Office (LNO). To the best of my
knowledge, it has not been deployed at any of the individual sites, although
one site, Jornada Basin (JRN), has expressed interest.
Four sites have scheduled regular harvests of their EML metadata to the LNO
Metacat and at least three additional sites are expected to do so soon. Since
the LNO Metacat is emerging as a central repository for LTER metadata, it is
unclear as to what advantage there would be for a site to manage its own
Metacat locally.
I will close this bug. Any additional work related to deploying Metacat within
LTER will be tracked in the Request Tracker utility at the Network Office