Bug #2830
closedActor names to change/actors to remove from application
I'm opening a bug to keep track of notes about some actors that have come up as I've gone through the actor docs.
Names to change:
GetPoint should be named GetMineralCompositionPoint
Get2DPoint should be named GetMineralComposition2DPoint
Actors to remove:
Interpolate: (per efrat) I think we can omit the Interpolate actor. It's not used in any used workflow and it's not fully implemented (only inverse distance is available) and very complex to use with all the parameters. I'm using other interpolation algorithms in workflows using web services. We can leave the actor in the distribution but probably omit it from the search.
InvokeService: (per efrat) The InvokeService actor can definitely be omitted, it's a wrapping of WorkflowExecute to use within a workflow, but Ptolemy also provides an actor to execute a whole workflow.
PortLineReader: this actor, util.LineReader, is being removed
FTPClient: This actor may not currently work. Unclear what plan for it is.