Bug #295
closedunable to create new eml-project documents
For some unknown reason, an attempt to create new eml-project documents
apparently 'locks up' the Morpho editor. Thought to be a problem in the rather
complex eml-project DTD.
Related issues
Updated by Dan Higgins over 23 years ago
It turns out that the machine does NOT 'lock up' when creating a new eml-project
document, but rather takes ~ 5 minutes to create a new document!(On a 700MHz
Dell) It appears that the editor routines which build an instance from a minimal
document merged with a dtd are VERY SLOW when a large number of nodes need to be
created and merged. A complete eml-project document can have ~500 nodes when all
optional nodes are displayed.
It thus appears that we need to look at ways to speed up node merging in the
edit package, but that may take a lot of time.
Updated by Matt Jones over 23 years ago
Performance problem. Will fix while fixing bug #352
Updated by Dan Higgins over 23 years ago
Creation of new eml-project instances is now much quicker due to change in how
new eml instances are created in the editor. (Editing existing complex documents
will still be quite slow, however)