Bug #2960
closedChange RExpression actor to use meaningful graphic file output names
Possibilities include:
-nested workflow.composite_actor.actor.incremental_number naming
-use a similar approach to above, but somehow track subsequent runs of the workflow (like versioning 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 would indicate three different runs of the same workflow/actor)
-have user set prefix for output object (either as parameter or port) in the actor
-create new output directory (likely timestamp) for each workflow execution to group output files.
probably end up using a combination of the choices here.
directory + actor_name being a likely candidate
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 17 years ago
Graphics file name of RExpession actor is now the actor name plus an integer (instead of user name). (Dan Higgins)
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
By using getFullName() rather than getName() we can get the nested naming mentioned in the original comments for this bug. A workflow with an RExpression actor inside a CompositeActor would generate files named something like:
This still does not address tracking multiple runs of the same workflow, but it does allow easy sorting of the output files for complex workflows and also distinguishes the output of separate workflows.
note: not committed to cvs yet
Updated by ben leinfelder over 16 years ago
During the follow up meeting, we decided to use the following approach for the R expression file output:
For each run, a new "run" folder will be created and the output from actors in that run will be deposited in that directory. here's an example:
run one:
run two:
Updated by ben leinfelder about 16 years ago
added a WorkflowExecutionListener that keeps track of currently executing workflows and provides the R Expression actor with a mechanism for constructing subdirectories for the output of the given workflow run.
Subdirectories use the naming convention:
<workflow name>_<millisecond timestamp>