Bug #3029
closedNPE when trying to save semantic type
When trying to save a semantic type on a composite actor, I get an NullPointerException. To reproduce this bug do the following:
1) drag a composite to the canvas
2) rt. click and choose 'Semantic Type Annotation'
3) choose a type to add and click the >> button to add it
4) click "ok"
The ok button will pause in the depressed form then an NPE will appear on the console. The NPE looks like this:
[java] >>> getConceptId() = urn:lsid:localhost:onto:1:1#Actor
[java] >>> getConceptId() = urn:lsid:localhost:onto:2:1#GeneralPurpose
[java] >>> getConceptId() = urn:lsid:localhost:onto:2:1#Workflow
[java] >>> getConceptId() = urn:lsid:localhost:onto:2:1#LocalInput
[java] Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
[java] at org.kepler.sms.gui.PortSemanticTypeEditorPane.doCommit(PortSemanticTypeEditorPane.java:113)
[java] at org.kepler.sms.gui.SemanticTypeEditor._doCommit(SemanticTypeEditor.java:186)
[java] at org.kepler.sms.gui.SemanticTypeEditor.access$000(SemanticTypeEditor.java:53)
[java] at org.kepler.sms.gui.SemanticTypeEditor$1.actionPerformed(SemanticTypeEditor.java:129)
[java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1849)
[java] at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2169)
Updated by Chad Berkley about 17 years ago
null was not checked on one of the port variables. this is now fixed.