Bug #3149
opencannot add arbitrary jars when exporting archive
The "Export Archive (kar)" popup menu asks if the class file of an actor should be included in the kar, but there is no way to add other classes/jars. ie jar libraries that may be needed by the actor. (One specific example - python actor needs the jython.jar to execute)
Need to add a dialog to let the user add arbitrary number of additional jars to a kar file.
Updated by Chad Berkley about 17 years ago
This should also be handled by the dependency listing in the actor metadata that we had planned for but never used or implemented. If an actor requires a jar, it should be added as a dependency in the actor metadata for that actor.
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 17 years ago
postponing to 1.1.0 There are numerous items that need to be worked out with this bug. How the user interacts with the kar file system is something that needs to be thought out more carefully. Until then, we shouldn't fix this.
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago
It would be nice to get this into 2.0, but it may need to get pushed, depending on how much work we end up doing on the object manager and the kar file subsystem.