Bug #3220
open"Save" from TextEditor interferes with workflow save-before-closing prompt
While editing an RExpression script using the built-in TextEditor ("Open Actor"), Kevin Drury found that if he used "Save" from within the text editor window to save the contents of the script, closed that editor window, then closed the workflow window (that contained other unsaved changes), Kepler would not prompt him for a confirmation to save before closing the workflow. All changes would then be lost.
I've reproduced this behavior (we are both on a Mac).
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 17 years ago
aaron will take a look at this - really dives into the ptolemy code. Some starting places:
Updated by Aaron Aaron over 16 years ago
This patch improves the way TextEditorForStringAttributes handles modified text and fixes bug 3220.
Updated by Aaron Aaron over 16 years ago
This patch fixes the bug but it still needs to be integrated into the ptolemy tree before we close this out.
Updated by Aaron Aaron over 15 years ago
Ben can you check in this patch? I can't figure out how to check files into the Ptolemy svn repo. Thanks