Bug #3254
closedAnnotations for some Ptolemy demos are not wrapped
The annotation for the SDF Expression demo is not wrapped,
it runs off the right side of the screen.
However, the annotation for the LMS Adaptive demo does properly wrap.
A quick look at the xml shows that the SDF Expression:
<property name="annotation1" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute">
<property name="_location" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="140.0, 5.0">
<property name="_iconDescription" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonConfigurableAttribute">
<text x="20" style="font-size:14; font-family:sanserif; fill:blue" y="20">This model repeatedly evaluates an expression, a function of two ramp
signals, slow and fast. Try right clicking on the expr actor, select
"Configure" and change it to "cos(slow)*cos(fast)" and then run
the demo with View->Run Window->Go. Other interesting alternatives
"0.2*slow + cos(fast)"</text>
<property name="_hideName" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute">
The LMS Adaptive demo has:
<property name="Annotation" class="ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.TextAttribute">
<property name="text" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute" value="This model illustrates an LMS (least mean square) adaptive filter
that learns the response of a fixed FIR (finite impulse response)
filter by observing the input and noisy output of the filter.">
<property name="_location" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="[15.0, 265.0]">
Note that LMS Adaptive uses a TextAttribute and it uses
instead of newlines (the above example text is probably wrapped).
The solution here is to filter the demos and change the older style
annotation to the newer style.
Related issues
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 17 years ago
These models are in Ptolemy.
I don't know if this should hold up the release.
To replicate, start Kepler 1.0.0 from the menu choice.
(The bug happens for all OS's and versions of Kepler)
Help | Documentation | "Background information on Ptolemy"
| Documentation | "Complete List of Demos" | SDF
Expression does not look ok
LMS Adaptive Filter looks ok
cd $PTII
Then execute this command (all on one line)
c:/Program\ Files/kepler/kepler ptolemy/domains/sdf/demo/LMSAdaptive/LMSAdaptive.xml ptolemy/domains/sdf/demo/Expression/Expression.xml
Also, double clicking on the bogus annotation in Expression brings
up a window "annotation1 has no parameters". This is a Ptolemy problem.
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 17 years ago
This is an 'old' problem that, as I remember, had to do with the exact way the annotation was created. We had to go back and copy the annotation text to a new version of the Annotation actor to get the returns to properly show up. We actually changed a number of Kepler workflows to fix. It has something to do with Matthew's GUI changes (Icons?) in Kepler.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 17 years ago
Ok, I have a filter than can fix this problem.
Unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to update the appropriate demos
in the ptII rel-7-0-beta-2 branch.
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 17 years ago
christopher, is this now fixed? If so, can I close this bug?
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 17 years ago
I'm still at it . . .
The filter has problems. I should have this done sometime today.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 17 years ago
The annotations in the Ptolemy demos are fixed.
I hacked up a filter that did most of the heavy lifting.
The Ptolemy demos still don't look great in Kepler because
the SVG origin of the icons in Kepler is different than
the non-SVG origin of the icons in Ptolemy.
Updated by Aaron Aaron almost 17 years ago
The SDF Expression annotation looks good. I ran through all the SDF demos. SynthesizedVoice.xml cannot find the file voice.wav. Other than that they all seem to run well.
(v3 installer)