Bug #3363
closedShow name checkbox does nothing for most Parameters
steps to reproduce:
- Drag Parameter to canvas
- Right click, Customize Name
- Check or uncheck the Show Name box
The Show name box doesn't seem to work and is often unchecked by default (which seems like a bad choice for default).
This affects:
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 17 years ago
I'm not sure about this one.
In 2001, Edward wrote:
I've added a mechanism for controlling whether the name of an
entity is shown. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to do this
right without having a backward compatibility problem... Now,
all models that have old-style labels will now show the names
of the visible attributes...To fix this, just select the label and right click and select
Customize Name. The unselect the "show name" item.
actor.gui.RenameConfigurer looks like:
// By default, names are not shown for ports, and are shown
// for everything else. Note that ports are a little confusing,
// because names are always shown for external ports inside
// a composite actor. This dialog determines whether they will
// be shown on the outside of the composite actor.
boolean nameShowing = false;
if (object instanceof Port) {
nameShowing = _isPropertySet(_object, "_showName");
} else {
nameShowing = !_isPropertySet(_object, "_hideName");
addCheckBox("Show name", "Show name", nameShowing);
However, we have a different way of renaming ports now, so I
suspect that we can get rid of the "Show name" checkbox.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 16 years ago
The solution here was to edit ptolemy/actor/gui/RenameConfigurer.java
and not add the "Show name" checkbox if the object is an Attribute.