Bug #3542
closedTree View menu is too wide when opened
When you go to View => Tree View, the window opens as wide as the top level's _iconDescription, which is very long. Items in this menu should either wrap, or the window should just open at a more reasonable size, with scroll-bars displayed.
Of Win/Mac/Linux, this is only happening to me under Mac, but others have reported it happens to them under Linux and Windows.
Updated by Aaron Aaron over 16 years ago
A solution for this is to hard wire the width and height in the show() method of the TreeTableau Class.
((TreeFrame) frame).centerOnScreen();
The setBounds x,y values of 20,20 become irrelevant with the call to centerOnScreen().
Updated by Aaron Aaron almost 16 years ago
The Tree View menu item has been replaced with the Workflow Outline TabPane. To get to the Tree View you now select the outline tab and then select the "Show All" checkbox.