Bug #3565
closedhangs up loading data package
I've been trying to use morpho for updates on data packages that were created manually, but are valid eml201. At least 2 have hung up when loading the data package (searches work fine). Note that morpho is searching the catalog at data.piscoweb.org/catalog/metacat, not the knb.
packages that hang up: knb-lter-sbc.23, knb-lter-sbc.21
Here is the text from the .morpho/.../sdterr.log:
Name: qformat => xml
removed from window list
<pathquery version="1.2">
<querygroup operator="INTERSECT">
<querygroup operator="UNION">
<querygroup operator="UNION">
<queryterm searchmode="starts-with" casesensitive="false">
Adding window: Untitled-Search-5
(3) Executing metacat query...
(2.1) Executing metacat query...
Sending data to: http://data.piscoweb.org/catalog/metacat
HTTP Handler class is: HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection
Name: action => squery
Name: query =>
<pathquery version="1.2">
<querygroup operator="INTERSECT">
<querygroup operator="UNION">
<querygroup operator="UNION">
<queryterm searchmode="starts-with" casesensitive="false">
Name: qformat => xml
(2.3) Metacat output is:
(2.4) Done Executing metacat query...
Parser created is: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
(2.43) Creating result set ...
(2.44) Creating result set ...
(2.3) Metacat output is:
(2.4) Done Executing metacat query...
Parser created is: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
(2.43) Creating result set ...
(2.44) Creating result set ...
selectedId is: knb-lter-sbc.23.2
the package name is: knb-lter-sbc.23
the number of previous version is: 1
selectedId is: knb-lter-sbc.23.2
the package name is: knb-lter-sbc.23
the number of previous version is: 1
DataPackage: Got service request to open: knb-lter-sbc.23.2 from metacat.
MetacatDataStore: getting cached file
the second line string is: ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="eml2esa.xsl" ?
Adding window: Data Package: knb-lter-sbc.23.2
ViewContainer startUp time: 114
Exception in thread "Thread-49" java.lang.NullPointerException
at edu.ucsb.nceas.morpho.datapackage.DataViewContainerPanel.<init>(DataViewContainerPanel.java:272)
at edu.ucsb.nceas.morpho.datapackage.DataPackagePlugin.openDataPackage(DataPackagePlugin.java:805)
at edu.ucsb.nceas.morpho.query.OpenPackageCommand$1.construct(OpenPackageCommand.java:142)
at edu.ucsb.nceas.morpho.framework.SwingWorker$2.run(SwingWorker.java:140)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Updated by Margaret O'Brien about 16 years ago
I figured this one out - the document had a stylesheet instruction as the second line. Morpho had no problem when that was removed.