Bug #3836
closedrunEMLParser script should include saxvalidate
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a script is located in the /lib/ called runEMLParser which runs a java class to check references and IDs in instance documents. It does not check the document against the schema (SAXValidate). The online emlparser and the unit tests run both, and the parser script would be more useful if it also ran both. It should only validate against the schema in it's parent directory, so in eml 2.1, you would only be able to validate 2.1 instances.
Updated by Jing Tao about 16 years ago
A main method in SAXValidate class was added. This main method will invoke the method which will validate the eml instance against schema. I also add the command line in runEMLParser script to call the class. So now the runEMLPaser will check both reference ids and schema validation.