Bug #4001
closedWRP - Save/Open KARs containing MOMLs and ROMLs
In order to support report layouts with momls, we want to shift over to opening and saving not just the moml xml, but a KAR of the moml and the roml (and potentially other items - jars, binary libraries etc...)
Kepler should be able to open these KARs, as well as save them (by default).
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago
created ReportLayoutKAREntryHandler for writing ROML to the KAR when it's associated workflow is saved as a KAR.
similarly, opening a KAR that contains a workflow and a roml will show the workflow and the layout designer.
TODO: the workflow frame is untitled at this point.
TODO: the Report Designer might need a slight bit of finessing on the re-open side of things.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
we can do this from within the GUI.
we can do this on the command-line (thanks chad!)