Bug #4050
closeddragging actors can leave artifacts until you stop dragging
Dragging some actors leaves visual artifacts until you stop dragging. The color of the artifacts seems to match the actor border color.
For example, if you drag the Directory Listing actor up, it leaves a trail of horizontal green lines behind.
I've tried linux and mac, this occurs on both.
Related issues
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 16 years ago
I can replicate this with Display and XYPlotter actors, they both leave vertical
green lines when dragged to the left. A Timed Plotter will not leave lines
on the left unless its name is shortened. I've not seen artifacts on edges
that have ports or a name that extends past the edge of the icon.
I suspect that this issue will be fixed by the problems with highlighting
in bug #2321, so I'm taking this bug.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 16 years ago
The trail of visual artifacts issue was fixed by modifying KeplerGraphTableau to
extend Tableau and then modifying WorkflowTypeCheckerDialog to cast something to
I suspect that there is an off-by-one error somewhere, possibly with the
SVG code as this bug does not show up in Ptolemy, but did show up in Kepler
with actors that have SVG icons and no ports on an edge and a name that
has a physical length less than the width of the icon.
However, since the highlighter covers this up, we can close this.