Bug #4053
closeddeleting open composite actor may delete model
Under certain circumstances, deleting an open composite actor may result in deleting the remainder of the model. Here are steps to reproduce this:
1. start kepler
2. add some actors to canvas
3. add a composite actor to canvas
4. file->save
5. open composite actor (so that a new window displays its contents)
6. without closing composite actor window, go back to top level canvas, and delete the composite actor
7. in the top level window, file->save
8. close composite actor window. the dialog to save changes will pop up; select save. (note the file is the same as the top level file name in step 4).
9. now close top level canvas
When you re-open the model, the top level contents are replaced by the empty contents of the composite actor.
I would guess that step 6 should close the composite actor's window, so that step 8 is not possible.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 16 years ago
This is reproducible in Ptolemy.
The issue is that if a model has a composite and the composite is open,
what happens when the composite is deleted.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 16 years ago
This is fixed by changes to PtolemyFrame.