



Bug #4059


Using the new Morpho Guide to repalce one

Added by Jing Tao almost 16 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

morpho - general
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Hi Jing,

I wanted to mention that you should include Kirsten's new Morpho User
Guide in the Morpho release, as it is both more accurate and more
readable that the original guide. �This may cause some issues with the
help system, and you'll need a way to display it as a pdf file.
Kepler has a way of opening PDF files from within Java, so we should
be able to do it in Morpho. �Any thoughts on what impact this might
have on the help system?


Ben pointed out we may use Jpedal library to display the pdf file. Jpedal has a version of GPL. However, the GPL version only has the source file and no build tool. I will put the source file into the lib dir and write a target in morpho build.xml to build a jar file.

Actions #1

Updated by Jing Tao almost 16 years ago

Jpedal couldn't clearly display the images. So I tried Adobe Viewer Java Bean.
But this is pretty old software and has a commercial license.

So I chose the PDFRenderer which is open source project and has LGPL license. It can display the image better.

Actions #2

Updated by Jing Tao almost 16 years ago

PDFRenderer is still not good. I talked with jim and he suggested to use the default pdf viewer in OS.

So we come up with the solution:
1. First try to open the pdf file by default os application.
2. If the process failed, we use PDFRenderer as backup.

Any suggestions and comments will be appreciated.

Actions #3

Updated by Matt Jones almost 16 years ago

Jing, I htink using the default OS pdf viewer is the safest approach. Using PDF Renderer as a backup is a good idea. We've been using the OS pdf viewer in Kepler for the various guides, and it works quite well. As we don't need really tight integration with the PDF file in this case, and given that the java pdf renderers still seem to have issues, I think opening it in a dedicated external app is the best approach.

Actions #4

Updated by Jing Tao almost 16 years ago

Thanks, matt!

I will use the default OS pdf viewer to open it. Just in real bad case to open it by PDFRenderer (I don't expect this will happen).

Would you please point out where I can find those code in kepler? Did they use something like "Runtime.getRuntime().exec()"?

Actions #5

Updated by Jing Tao almost 16 years ago

Both Jim and I tested the new code, it works. The os we tested includes mac, linux, windows xp and windows vista.

Actions #6

Updated by Jing Tao over 15 years ago

move to 1.7

Actions #7

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 4059


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