Bug #4067
closedAdd "about" widget for kepler on the mac
after I changed kepler so it uses the native osx menu bar, there is now an "about kepler" menu item that uses a default widget. need to update that to use the kepler about screen.
Related issues
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago
which references the system properties one can use under OSX. It says nothing about changing the default "about" dialog in the main application window. Still looking...anyone have any ideas on this?
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago
Possibly need to change a key/value in the Info.plist file, but that won't work for ant runs, only when Kepler is executed from the application icon.
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago
It would also be nice to figure out how to make the kepler icon show up in the apple-tab list instead of a generic "exec" icon.
Updated by Matt Jones almost 16 years ago
Handling the About menu is possible and described in the Java Development Guide for Mac OS X:
"Apple provides functionality for this in the com.apple.eawt package. The Application and ApplicationAdaptor classes provide a way to handle the Preferences, About, and Quit items."
Examples here:
And reference info here:
Setting your own icon is done, if I remember correctly, via the Info.plist file in the app bundle. However, I also just found a page that indicates it can be set on the command line too, using:
Apple prefers icons in icns format. I think XCode has an icon editor.
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago
Thanks for the info, Matt. The icon is currently set in the plist file, and it shows up fine in the Finder, but not in the bar that appears when you apple-tab between apps. I'll try to look into this more.
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago
Fixed. The mac version of kepler now has an about box, it correctly exits when using apple-q and it has a new icon set that fit the standard OSX icon sizes.