



Bug #4090


You should be able to specify a particular revision number or date with ant update.

Added by David Welker almost 16 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

build system
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The ant update command should optionally allow you to specify a revision:

ant update -Drev=12345

All the modules in the Kepler SVN repository should be updated to this revision number. Optimally, if possible, modules in other SVN repositories would be appropriately updated. (i.e. check the time of the revision in our repository and retrieve the revision in the other repository that represents the last check-in immediately before that revision -- maybe make this an option, since this algorithm is certain to fail in certain situations -- however this option would be very useful when you want to rollback to a certain point.

Actions #1

Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 16 years ago

It would be very useful to be able to specify the revision as a date
or a revision number. Checking out by date might look like:

ant update -Drevision='{2009-05-20}'

This should not be hard, though preserving the {...} syntax might be tricky.

We need to check out by date because the kepler and ptII svn repositories
have different revision numbers.

Actions #2

Updated by David Welker almost 16 years ago

As of now, you may specify a revision number with the ant update command. For more recent revisions, specifying a revision for Ptolemy is not an issue since the "stable" version of Ptolemy at the time of the revision will be stored in the ptII module and that will be used to retrieve a corresponding version of Ptolemy.

This functionality will break for attempts to move back to older revisions, however. For now, I do not intend to further work on this, however, I will add the ability to retrieve revisions by date (which would work for older revisions as well) when I have time.

Actions #3

Updated by David Welker over 15 years ago

You can now specify not only a particular revision, but also a particular date as well. This is documented in the build system documentation on Kepler wiki. This task is complete.

Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 4090


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