



Bug #4111


move test data to a more appropriate locations

Added by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago. Updated almost 16 years ago.

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Currently, there is ~54 MB of test data in common/lib/testdata. This could be moved to a new module that would be optional. The user manual would need to be updated because some of the test data is referenced there. We could have installers that include or do not include it and the user manual could also point people to download the test data from the SVN web interface.

Actions #1

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago

I moved the testdata and the demos to the outreach module. I'm looking into ways to add the ability to the build system to add temporary modules to a suite (without changing the modules.txt file) so that this module (and possibly others like it in the future) won't have to be checked out all the time, but can still be used as a module of the 'kepler' suite.

Actions #2

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago

To add the outreach module (or any module for that matter) to your suite temporarily, you can use the -Dunder switch in the build system. For instance, if you want to use the kepler suite, but add the outreach module temporarily, do
'ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler -Dunder=outreach'

This will force the build to checkout outreach and include it in any updates issues to the build but it does not affect the modules.txt file in the kepler suite.

Actions #3

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago

I changed kepler so that it will try to automatically open to the outreach/resources/demos directory. If it does not find that directory, it will open to the root kepler directory. Previously, kepler had been opening to common/demos and kepler/demos before that.

Do we need to re-evaluate whether we want kepler opening to the demos directory? No other apps that I know do this.

Need to go through all the demos now and switch references from common/lib/testdata to outreach/resources/data. I will close this bug when that is done.

Actions #4

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 16 years ago

removed all references to testdata in the demos and replaced it with the new path. closing this bug.

Actions #5

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 4111


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