Bug #4120
closedBug in OpenDBConnector actor
It also appears that the OpenDBConnector needs to be updated too. The previous version of the driver class required a connection string which was prefixed with jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver, however the new driver requires jdbc:sqlserver. The OpenDBConnector actor automatically appends this prefix when trying to connect to a SQL server database, however it still uses the old connection string which currently makes it impossible to connect to a SQL Server database.
Hi Peter,
I have updated the actor to use the driver class
However, the MS SQL Server JDBC jars included in Kepler appear to
be from "MS SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC", which does not
support Java 1.5. I have removed these jars since Kepler requires
Java 1.5.
The license for "MS SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.2" (which does
support Java 1.5) does not permit redistribution. You will need to
download the jars and place them in $KEPLER/lib/jar/. The Kepler
loader will automatically add them to the classpath. If you are
using Eclipse, you might need to add them to the .classpath file.
Let me know if you have questions,
Peter.Fitch at csiro.au wrote:
Hi Kepler users,
I have found a problem with using the open database connector actor with MS SQL Server. When you set the database format to MS SQL Server you get an exception class not found com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver.
Unfortunately the class is correct for Java 1.4 but not for 1.5 which is the current recommended version. In Java 1.5 the driver class is com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver.
Anyone else found this?
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Kepler-users at ecoinformatics.org
Updated by Daniel Crawl almost 16 years ago
I've updated OpenDBConnection to use the new string.