Bug #4126
closedAllow user CLASSPATH to be loaded in Kepler
I have a jython actor that uses a java class I have in a jar file. Kepler fails when loading that actor via a kar file (or a workflow) created in another machine where the jar file was placed in $kepler/lib/jar. But in my new machine I do not have write access to the kepler installation, so I would like to either include the jar in the kar file (see 3066) or to include my own CLASSPATH. I made a copy of kepler.sh that worksaround this. Here is the patch:
< export CLASSPATH=".:./configs:./lib:./lib/images:./build/kepler.jar:./build/kepler-icons.jar"
export CLASSPATH=".:./configs:./lib:./lib/images:./build/kepler.jar:./build/kepler-icons.jar:$CLASSPATH"
At least that way one can easily import any actor which needs extra jar files just setting up the CLASSPATH properly. It would be nice to include this patch in the next release.