Bug #4246
openReorganize code in util, core and gui modules
The code in the main modules still needs to be reorganized a bit. There is gui code in core that needs to be moved to gui or util. The util module itself should be disassembled into other modules that are more fitting of the nature of the code. Not sure if this should be done for 2.0 or post 2.0. will target to 2.0 for now.
Related issues
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
Removed the last gui class from core. Now moving on to reorganize util. Hopefully will move all gui classes into the gui module.
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
Util module todos:
-Move ecogrid classes to their own module. This includes org.ecoinformatics.seek.ecogrid.*, org.ecoinformatics.seek.datasource.* and maybe org.ecoinformatics.seek.dataquery.*
-Look at the util classes and see if they are actually util classes or if they belong in a different package.
-isolate kepler specific gui classes and move them to the gui module
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
Did a major reorg of util. Created 4 new modules: ecogrid, gui, authentication and authentication-gui. Moved most, if not all gui classes out of util. There are still some classes in the wrong module because of dependency issues. Working those out now. Reduced the size of the util module to 51 MB and 171 classes. There is still some stuff that can be moved into new modules. The big change is done now though.
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
Forgot to mention in the last comment that I also created a opendap module for the opendap functionality. Other modules I'm hoping to create are:
- sms - the sms, annotation engine code (org.ecoinformatics.seek.sms and org.kepler.sms)
- data - the rest of org.ecoinformatics.seek.dataquery and .querybuilder that is in util
- ssh - org.kepler.ssh
- try to move org.kepler.icon to gui
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
newly created modules from util module classes:
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
add a page to the wiki to describe the new module structure and what packages/functionality go into which module.
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
Added this page:
Need to track down jars that are still in util and common but where the code that depends on the jar is now in a new module. This will make upgrading jars easier in the future.
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
Have now moved all of the jars from common and util that can be moved. The easy parts of this bug is now done, in that code that did not have to be refactored to move has been moved. Now must look at the code that needs to be refactored in order to move it.
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
Since this is mostly done and will not effect the user experience of kepler 2.0, i'm pushing this to a post-2.0 milestone.