Bug #4348
closedMetacat authenticated query is case sensitive, unauthenticated is not
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This is just confusing. The unauthenticated query is not case sensitive (kruger and Kruger both return the same 37 results), but the authenticated one is (kruger returns 0 results while Kruger returns 39).
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
This is actually a modification in the seek/ecogrid project.
I've made the change to the the XSLT that generates te metacat query so that case is ignored - unfortunately we'll have to wait until we redeploy and redistribute the stubs for this to "work"
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
actually - i'll go ahead and mark this as fixed since only the server portion of the ecogrid needs to be redeployed - no changes needed in Kepler.
so the next time KNB (or any other ecogrid/metacat service) is deployed this will work case-insensitively