Bug #4383
openproject 59, team 6 cover by strata method error
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For 3 plots in project 59, team 6, cover by strata gets filled in with only values 1 and 2 and a few 3s (one 4). Mathematically, given the cover values in the modules, this isn't possible. So I think they just didn't understand how to do cover by strata and did it by relative values of 1,2,3 meaning little, medium, or most.
How do we fix this? Options:
1) Delete cover by strata for these plots
2) Upgrade their values based on the known total cover for a species. If they say cover of 3, we use the full average cover. If they say 2, then we'd use maybe 67% of average cover. If they say 1, we'd use 33% of average cover. If species is only present in one stratum, we use average cover regardless of what they wrote.
I vote for 2.