Bug #4409
closedView Documentation for an actor works once
I can view the documentation for an actor in the actor library once. After that, I can no longer drag actors onto the canvas and I can no longer view any more documentation.
I just updated and this is observed on linux and XP.
Restarting Kepler seems to at least reset this.
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
When trying to view documentation the second time, there is some error information on the console:
Error in getting actor in ShowDocumentationAction
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at ptolemy.vergil.basic.GetDocumentationAction.showDocumentation(GetDocumentationAction.java:140)
If I try to drag an actor on the canvas after that, I get an error dialog:
Change failed
Cannot create entity without a class name. in [external stream] at line 2 and column 25
There are additional console errors:
Error inside GetMomlFromLSID.getMoml(): empty error message
Error creating alternateGetMoml!
Change failed: <group><group name="auto">
<entity name="SelectionDialog">
<property name="_location" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="{155, 245}"/>
Change made by: ptolemy.vergil.basic.EditorDropTarget$DTListener@6faf61
Exception: Cannot create entity without a class name. in [external stream] at line 2 and column 25
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
I should clarify and add a workaround. This seems to occur only when right-clicking in the components tree and viewing documentation. The workaround is to drag the actor onto the canvas and view documentation by right-clicking on the actor, not in the components tree.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
Still happening for me in WRP suite...retargeting to 2.0 - it seems like a bad idea to release with a bug happening for people when they are seeking help and guidance.
It seems like the object in the component tree is being modified when viewing documentation - that would seem like an unnecessary thing to do?