Bug #4675
EML:DataTable:Annotation cardinality
Added by ben leinfelder almost 15 years ago.
Updated almost 11 years ago.
Currently we have the following relationships:
(1) EML Datapackage
(1...n) DataTables in the Datapackage
(1) Annotation per DataTable
Option A (as is):
It is possible to have multiple Annotations per DataTable (an additional file for each annotation-datatable pair) but this is not yet implemented in the Morpho plugin.
Option B (enhancement):
Alternatively, we might want to have a single Annotation annotate multiple dataTables (one file for multiple datatable annotations). This is not yet implemented/supported in the Annotation Schema.
This notion of multiple annotations per data table came up again recently (due to a bug, actually).
I'm wondering if we should explicitly restrict having more than one annotation for any given table (so that we can immediately detect bugs like the one i found today) or if we should try to highlight the fact that you can have alternate "interpretations" on the same table.
Here's the current plan:
-only allow a single annotation per EML datapackage
-the annotation can only be updated by someone with permissions to update the EML package it is annotating.
-both Morpho and Metacat should be able to check and prevent multiple annotations be written to a shared location (metacat).
-annotations can be made locally in Morpho, but if an annotation already exists on Metacat, there will be a prompt to duplicate the EML and annotation before attempting to write them to Metacat.
Original Bugzilla ID was 4675
- Target version changed from Unspecified to morpho-plugin-0.9.0
- Target version changed from morpho-plugin-0.9.0 to sms-core-1.0.0
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